705-596-2556 | info@wrightpsychology.ca
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WSIB Services for Psychological Injuries
Wright Psychological Services offers services for psychological injuries through the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board's (WSIB) Community Mental Health Program (CMHP). We support workers with recovery, reconnection with their values and lives, and returning to work when appropriate. Our team is experienced in working with the WSIB to provide psychological assessments and treatment for injured workers.
Helpful resource: Worker's Guide to Registering a Mental Health Claim with the CMHP.
What is needed to proceed?
A registered WSIB claim and claim number.
Experienced a significant psychological reaction following a workplace incident(s), such as traumatic mental stress, chronic mental stress, cumulative exposure to traumatic incidents (e.g., as a first responder), etc.
Been asked to get an initial psychological assessment or recommended to reach out to a CMHP provider for services.
What is the process?
Wright Psychological Services will contact the WSIB to request or confirm authorization to proceed with a psychological assessment. If the WSIB has not yet authorized approval (e.g., if they are waiting for additional documentation or paperwork) there may be a waiting period before we are able to offer you an appointment.
Once authorization is received, we will connect with you to send you forms to complete prior to your first appointment and to schedule the first appointment with you.
You may need to meet with the psychologist, psychological associate, or supervised clinical associate, more than once depending on your circumstances.
Once the assessment is complete, a copy of the assessment report will be sent to the WSIB.
If treatment has been authorized with the authorization of the assessment, we will discuss options for clinicians accepting new WSIB clients and schedule an initial treatment session with you.